JOIN Our Monthly
Online Gathering

Let the True You
An Online Gathering for
Expansion, friendship
& support
1st, 2nd & 3rd Monday of every month
8am PT/11am EST/4pm UK/GMT
Join this up-lifting gathering of like-minded friends coming together to
Support, Encourage and Empower.
Including, questions and answers with Fiona and the Angelic Realm.
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work with fiona & the Angelic realm
to transform your life!
Book a discovery call to discuss
Private 1-2-1
Transformational programs

Let the true you
Are you feeling unfulfilled and disconnected despite your achievements?
Do you feel yourself struggling to align your career and life with meaning and purpose?
Do you intuitively know there is more to you that you want to discover?
Do you not want your next 20yrs or 30yrs to be the same as the last?
''Imagine waking up every
morning with
& Freedom
to live life on your
own terms''
In a collaborative partnership
we will guide you to...
Create a life that feels deeply aligned and meaningful
Rediscover your true gifts and purpose
Create lasting inner peace, emotional balance and fulfilment
''I am grateful that I am Me''
Fiona gently guided me into discovering the truth of knowing who I Truly Am and how Powerful I Am to create the life I want.
Through online sessions I felt the enormity of the divine love frequency that radiates through her - expanding my heart.
At times there was a release of tears as my soul recognized and received the feeling of absolute unconditional love.
To meet in person and be in the presence of Fiona’s high vibration and frequency is yet another beautiful, enhanced experience altogether. There were times when it was difficult to look at her directly as I felt the enormity of her frequency and my body wasn’t able to match and hold the frequency at the time. Fiona is a gifted high-frequency angelic being, believe me, you will feel it.
After a session, I would vibrate at a much higher level and bask in the frequency for hours.
I now hold a higher vibration with more confidence knowing who I Am, this is impacting and changing my life daily. My frequency allows magic and miracles, including many new out-of-the-blue experiences that are so divinely orchestrated.
I am now grateful that I Am Me.
My deepest love and gratitude to Fiona and the Team of light that work with her.
​Sharon, Canada

Fiona possesses a profound ability to consciously connect and communicate with the Angelic Realm and other high-frequency Beings.
She was visited 24 years ago, by a most beautiful Angel, he took her on a journey that would change the course of her life. This, and many other spiritual experiences have awakened these gifts of communication.
Working with Fiona and the Angelic Realm is a life transformative experience, one that will benefit you forever.
A sacred and supportive space is created to nurture and empower you. This environment allows the truth to surface while guiding the focus directly to the root cause of any challenges, facilitating their transformation. Powerful frequencies and divine words of Wisdom flow aligning you to your true authentic self. This reveals a profound personal awareness of Who You Truly Are, resulting in unshakable Confidence, Clarity and unwavering Certainty that you Truly know how you want to live your life aligned to your truth, accessing your innate inner wisdom and revealing your highest potential.
This approach is centered on inspiring and empowering you to recognize that you already possess the answers within yourself. Through this guidance you gain clarity about the powerful truth of who you are, uncover your unique gifts and purpose, and build your self-worth. This transformation enables you to embrace life with a renewed sense of passion and purpose.
Fiona now dedicates her life to working with this Team of Light, so you can see the Truth of you!
​I'm excited to connect with you!
My childhood was spent with horses, dogs and nature, free to come and go from the family home with little restrictions.
In my late teens I attended art college and studied to become a graphic designer. During my career working in the corporate business world, I moved further and further away from my innate love of animals and nature, and ultimately from knowing myself.
My health started to deteriorate, and I felt depressed and unhappy. At the time I did not recognise this as a sign from my body and my Higher Self to redirect me back onto my true path.​
In the year 2000, totally out of the blue, I had a visit from a very tall and most beautiful Angel. We immediately started communicating telepathically as if it was the most normal thing in the world, and he told me his name was Michael. I now know he was Archangel Michael, but at the time I didn’t know very much about Angels and Archangels. He told me he was my guardian and took me on a very profound journey that would change my life forever.
Archangel Michael’s parting words: ‘You must always come from your Heart’.